Whole Life Profile - Benefits
Benefits for Individuals:
- Learn the keys to psychological happiness - How you can achieve greater self-confidence and self-satisfaction.
- Learn the key behaviors and attitudes related to financial success and how your behaviors and attitudes compare.
- Learn the key issues related to career success and how you can craft your career to benefit from your inner strengths.
- Learn how you can succeed in a career that you love and navigate organizations to express your greatest talents.
- Discover the key factors that will enable you to have fulfilling relationships and the ways in which you may be sabotaging yourself.
- Discover how your health habits are affecting your happiness in all aspects of your life.
- Learn how you can reach your full potential and personal life meaning.
Benefits for Coaches:
- Become known for achieving fantastic results in your coaching.
- Easily identify the key issues that will accelerate your clients' progress toward happier and more fulfilling lives.
- Build your coaching practice based on referrals.
- Receive new clients from our website.
- Join a support group of more than 300 coaches and experts world-wide who use whole life coaching tools.
- Enjoy each session as a highly productive adventure in life learning.
- Gain a set of tools that enables you to be effective in coaching a wide variety of issues including problem resolution, personal development, executive development, career guidance, life style coaching, and couples relationships.
Contact us for more information or take a look at our sample reports to see how the Whole Life Profile can help your client's achieve more balance and fulfillment in their lives.